Baringa Community Centre opened in mid-2019 and is operated by Caloundra Community Centre Inc.

As this​ new and emerging community develops, our aim is to foster community belonging, by nurturing relationships, promoting collaboration and hosting opportunities to gather.
The Centre will thrive once local people and groups become involved in the strategic direction and delivery of programs, events and projects.
Where possible, Caloundra Community Centre will endeavour to extend and offer the funded services of Caloundra Community Centre at Baringa Community Centre.
Local residents, particularly those facing life challenges are encouraged and always welcome to come in for a chat. The workers at the Baringa Centre are experienced support workers and have a sound understanding of the wider service support network and other community service agencies.
The Community Centre has a range of regular activities and external providers delivering services form the Centre.
For the latest information follow Baringa Community Centre on Facebook or add your email address to the mailing list at the bottom of the page to receive the monthly newsletters.

Regular Activities

English Conversation Circle
Mondays during school terms
9.30 - 11 AM
FREE English conversation group for migrants, in a safe and friendly environment.
All levels welcome.

Every Monday
8 AM - 4 PM
Integrating modern Psychology with 4 legged friend, the canine.
Bookings are essential Contact: 0439 081 982

Cinde Rosser Artist
Mondays during school terms
3.30 - 5 PM
Various techniques and mediums art class for kids.
Bookings are essential
Contact: 0413 746 199

Global Hub
Every Tuesday
10 AM - 1 PM
The Women's Global Hub facilitates weekly meetings over a shared lunch (each members brings something of their choice). they also share conversations and moments, and develop friendships and connections.

At Work
Every Tuesday
8 AM - 4 PM
An employment services provider working with people living with disability, injury, health condition and those who require additional support.
Contact: 1300 080 856

Mums, Bumps, and Bubs Playgroup
Every Wednesday
9.30 - 11.30 AM
Playgroup for expecting and new mums with babies from 0-18 months old.
Craft and Chat
Every Wednesday
9.30 - 11.30 AM
Bring your craft project and join in the conversation.
Gold coin donation appreciated.

Goat Track Theatre​
Every Thursday
4 - 6 PM

At Work​
Every Thursday
8 AM - 4 PM
An employment services provider working with people living with disability, injury, health condition and those who require additional support.
Contact: 1300 080 856

Fun Friday
Fridays during school terms
9.30 - 11.30 AM
Indoor and outdoor
unstructured play for kids 18 months - 4 years old.
aimee@calcomm.org.au or vanessa@calcomm.org.au

Art Group
Every Friday
10 AM - 12 PM
Paint and have fun with other likeminded creatives.

At Work
Every Friday
8 AM - 4 PM
An employment services provider working with people living with disability, injury, health condition and those who require additional support.
Contact: 1300 080 856